Hal-Hal Aneh DIDUnia 97
Beberapa kampanye dari seluruh dunia berhasil memotret dan menyampaikan pesan seputar isu-isu sosial dengan sangat mengena. Mulai dari isu sosial, lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, dan lain-lain.
1. Tentang hutan sebagai paru-paru dunia : "Before it's too late"
Spoiler for Before it's too late:
2. Tentang pelecehan pada anak-anak : "Certain things hang on forever"
Spoiler for Certain things hang on forever:
3. Tentang pencemaran laut : "Plastic bags KILL"
Spoiler for Plastic bags KILL:
4. Tentang kepedulian sosial : "Ignore us, Ignore human rights"
Spoiler for Ignore us, Ignore human rights:
5. Tentang kekerasan : "STOP the violence, don't drink and drive"
Spoiler for STOP the violence, don't drink and drive:
6. Tentang kepedulian pada konflik internasional : "It's not happening here, but it is happening now"
Spoiler for It's not happening here, but it is happening now:
7. Tentang sampah yang mencemari lingkungan : "If you don't pick it up, they will"
Spoiler for If you don't pick it up, they will :
8. Tentang anak-anak yang kelaparan :"See how easy feeding they hungry can be?"
Spoiler for See how easy feeding they hungry can be?
9. Tentang larangan penjualan senjata api : "One child is holding something tha's been banned in America to protect them. Guess which one"
Spoiler for One child is holding something tha's been banned in America to protect them. Guess which one:
note : We won't sell Kinder chocolate eggs in the interest of child safety. Why not assault weapon?
10. Tentang memakai sabuk pengaman : "The back seat's no safer. Belt up"
Spoiler for The back seat's no safer. Belt up:
11. Tentang melesatarikan lingkungan : "Every 60 seconds a species dies out"
Spoiler for Every 60 seconds a species dies out:
12. Tentang keamanan berkendara : "46 days in hospital bed"
Spoiler for 46 days in hospital bed:
13. Tentang konflik antar umat beragama : "If dying for your faith makes you a martyr. What does it make those whom you killed for your faith?"
Spoiler for If dying for your faith makes you a martyr. What does it make those whom you killed for your faith?:
14. Tentang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga : "He has his mother's eyes"
Spoiler for He has his mother's eyes:
15. Tentang keselamatan berkendara : "Tailgating isn't worth it. Give trucks room. It's the law"
Spoiler for Tailgating isn't worth it. Give trucks room. It's the law:
16. Tentang dibangunnya fasilitas untuk penyandang disabilitas : "For some, It's Mount Everest"
Spoiler for For some, It's Mount Everest:
17. Tentang memakai sabuk pengaman : "1988 - ..."
Spoiler for 1988 - ...:
18. Tentang cerdas memakai internet : "On internet some things are not what they seem to be"
Spoiler for On internet some things are not what they seem to be:
19. Tentang kesahatan perempuan : "Women need to be seen as equal"
Spoiler for Women need to be seen as equal:
20. Tentang mendonorkan organ : "Thousands of people owe their live to organ donors"
Spoiler for Thousands of people owe their live to organ donors:
21. Tentang keamanan anak : "Sexual predator can hide in your child's smartphone"
Spoiler for Sexual predator can hide in your child's smartphone:
22. Tentang menghemat kertas : "Save paper,, Save the planet"
Spoiler for Save paper,, Save the planet:
23. Tentang memberi ASI pada bayi : "If you don't help feed them, who will!"
Spoiler for If you don't help feed them, who will!:
24. Tentang diet yang sehat : "You are not a sketch. Say no to Anorexia"
Spoiler for You are not a sketch. Say no to Anorexia:
25. Tentang menumbuhkan empati : "Victims are people just like you and me"
Spoiler for Victims are people just like you and me:
26. Tentang mengemudi dalam kondisi prima : "Sleepiness is stronger than you"
Spoiler for Sleepiness is stronger than you:
27. Tentang tidak mengemudi sambil mengirim pesan : "I'll be there in a wheelchair"
Spoiler for I'll be there in a wheelchair:
28. Tentang mengurangi polusi air laut : "What goes around comes around. Keep the sea clean"
Spoiler for What goes around comes around. Keep the sea clean:
29. Tentang menolak anak-anak autis : "The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach"
Spoiler for The longer a child with autism goes without help, the harder they are to reach:
30. Tentang melestarikan satwa : "Don't buy exotic animal souvenirs"
Spoiler for Don't buy exotic animal souvenirs:
31. Tentang keselamatan : "Don't talk while drives"
Spoiler for Don't talk while drives:
32. Tentang anak-anak yang terlantar : "Neglected children are made to feel invisible"
Spoiler for Neglected children are made to feel invisible:
33. Tentang kesetaraan ras : "Your skin color shouldn't dictate your future"
Spoiler for Your skin color shouldn't dictate your future:
34. Tentang menolong sesama : "Liking isn't helping"
Spoiler for Liking isn't helping:
35. Tentang peduli tunawisma : "For the homeless every day is a struggle"
Spoiler for For the homeless every day is a struggle:
36. Tentang merokok : "Smoking causes premature ageing"
Spoiler for Smoking causes premature ageing:
37. Tentang waspada berkendara : "Think of both sides"
Spoiler for Think of both sides:
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37 Kampanye Jenius Ini Memotret Isu Sosial di Sekitar Kita dan Menggerakkan Siapa Saja yang Melihatnya